Origin Number Of Books For Old Testament (22 Books)

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Most modern versions of the Bible contain 66 books, 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament. Originally, the number of books in the Bible was 49. First century Jews believed there were 22 holy books that comprised the complete number of their divine scriptures. But in almost all modern versions it is common to numerate the Old Testament as 39 books. The 39 Old Testament books actually comes from 22 books originally by combining several books into one (e.g., they combine the twelve Minor Prophets into one book). The New Testament has remained at 27 books since early times. A complete list appears below


Old Testament

New Testament

I. The Law

I. The Gospels and Acts

1. Genesis

1. Matthew

2. Exodus

2. Mark

3. Leviticus

3. Luke

4. Numbers

4. John

5. Deuteronomy

5. Acts

II. The Prophets

II. The Epistles of Paul

6. Joshua-Judges

6. Romans

7. Book of Kingdoms (I & II Samuel, I & II Kings, considered one book)

7. I Corinthians

8. Isaiah

8. II Corinthians

9. Jeremiah

9. Galatians

10. Ezekiel

10. Ephesians

11. The Twelve (The "Minor" Prophets, considered one book)

11. Philippians

a) Hosea

12. Colossians

b) Joel

13. I Thessalonians

c) Amos

14. II Thessalonians

d) Obadiah

15. Hebrews

e) Jonah

16. I Timothy

f) Micah

17. II Timothy

g) Nahum

18. Titus

h) Habakkuk

19. Philemon

i) Zephaniah

III. General Epistles

j) Haggai

20. James

k) Zechariah

21. I Peter

l) Malachi

22. II Peter

III. The Writings

23. I John

12. Psalms

24. II John

13. Proverbs

25. III John

14. Job

26. Jude

15. Song of Solomon

IV. Apocalypse

16. Ruth

27. Revelation

17. Lamentations

18. Ecclesiastes

19. Esther

20. Daniel

21. Ezra-Nehemiah (considered one book)

22. Chronicles (considered one book)

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