圣经 Bible Index (Chinese to English with Han Yu Pin Yin)

Christ Unite Jesus Christ Cross CHRIST UNITE

旧约全书 (jiu4yue1 quan2 shu1) Old Testament

律法书 (lu4fa3 shu1) Books of the Law 诗歌智慧书 (shi1ge1 zhi4hui4 shu1) Writings
Gn 创世记 (chuang4shi4ji4) Genesis Jb 约伯记 (yue1bo2) Job
Ex 出埃及记 (chu1ai1ji2ji4) Exodus Ps 诗篇 (shi1pian1) Psalms
Lv 利未记 (li4wei4ji4) Leviticus Pr 箴言 (zhen1yan2) Proverbs
Nm 民数记 (min2shu4ji4) Numbers Ec 传道书 (chuan2dao4shu1) Ecclesiastes
Dt 申命记 (shen1ming4ji4) Deuteronomy Sn 雅歌 (ya3ge1) Song of Songs
历史书 (li4shi3 shu1) Books of History 先知书 (xian1zhi1 shu1) Prophets
Js 约书亚记 (yue1shu1ya4ji4) Joshua Is 以赛亚书 (yi3sai4ya4shu1) Isaiah
Jg* 士师记 (shi4shi1ji4) Judges Jr 耶利米书 (ye1li4mi3shu1) Jeremiah
Rt 路得记 (lu4de2ji4) Ruth Lm 耶利米哀歌 (ye1li4mi3ai1ge1) Lamentations
1Sm 撒母耳记上 (sa1mu3er3ji4shang4) 1 Samuel Ek* 以西结书 (yi3si1jie1shu1) Ezekiel
2Sm 撒母耳记下 (sa1mu3er3ji4xia4) 2 Samuel Dn 但以理书 (dan4yi3li3shu1) Daniel
1Kn 列王纪上 (lie4wang2ji4shang) 1 Kings Hs 何西阿书 (he2xi1a1shu1) Hosea
2Kn 列王纪下 (lie4wang2ji4xia4) 2 Kings Jl 约珥书 (yue1er3shu1) Joel
1Ch 历代志上 (li4dai4zhi4shang4) 1 Chronicles Am 阿摩司书 (a1mo2si1shu1) Amos
2Ch 历代志下 (li4dai4zhi4xia4) 2 Chronicles Ob 俄巴底亚书 (e2ba1di3ya4shu1) Obadiah
Ez 以斯拉记 (yi3si1la1ji4) Ezra Jn 约拿书 (yue1na2shu1) Jonah
Nh 尼希米记 (ni2xi1mi3ji4) Nehemiah Mc 弥迦书 (mi2jia1shu1) Micah
Es 以斯帖记 (yi3si1tie4ji4) Esther Na* 那鸿书 (na4hong2shu1) Nahum
Hk* 哈巴谷书 (ha1ba1gu3shu1) Habakkuk
Zp 西番雅书 (xi1fan1ya3shu1) Zephaniah
Hg 哈该书 (ha1gai1shu1) Haggai
Zc 撒迦利亚书 (sa1jia1li4ya4shu1) Zechariah
Ml 玛拉基书 (ma3la1ji1shu1) Malachi

新约全书 (xin1yue1 quan2 shu1) New Testament

历史书 (li4shi3 shu1) Gospels & Acts 普通书信 (pu3tong1 shu1xin4) Other Epistles
Mt 马太福音 (ma3tai4fu2yin1) Matthew Hb 希伯来书 (xi1bo2lai2shu1) Hebrews
Mr 马可福音 (ma3ke3fu2yin1) Mark Jm 雅各书 (ya3ge4shu1) James
Lk 路加福音 (lu4jia1fu2yin1) Luke 1Pt 彼得前书 (bi3de2qian2shu1) 1 Peter
Jh 约翰福音 (yue1han4fu2yin1) John 2Pt 彼得后书 (bi3de2hou4shu1) 2 Peter
Ac 使徒行传 (shi3tu2xing2zhuan4) Acts 1Jh 约翰一书 (yue1han4yi1shu1) 1 John
保罗书信 (bao3luo2 shu1xin4) Pauline Epistles 2Jh 约翰二书 (yue1han4er2shu1) 2 John
Rm 罗马书 (luo2ma3shu1) Romans 3Jh 约翰三书 (yue1han4san1shu1) 3 John
1Cr 哥林多前书 (ge1lin2duo1qian2shu1) 1 Corinthians Jd 犹大书 (you2da4shu1) Jude
2Cr 哥林多后书 (ge1lin2duo1hou4shu1) 2 Corinthians 启示录 (qi3shi4lu4) End Times
Gl 加拉太书 (jia1la1tai4shu1) Galatians Rv 启示录 (qi3shi4lu4) Revelation
Ep 以弗所书 (yi3fu2suo3shu1) Ephesians
Ph 腓立比书 (fei2li4bi3shu1) Philippians
Cl 歌罗西书 (ge1luo2xi1shu1) Colossians

1Th 帖撒罗尼迦前书 (tie4sa1luo2ni2jia1qian2shu1)

1 Thessalonians

2Th 帖撒罗尼迦后书 (tie4sa1luo2ni2jia1hou4shu1)

2 Thessalonians

1Tm 提摩太前书 (ti2mo2tai4qian2shu1) 1 Timothy
2Tm 提摩太后书 (ti2mo2tai4hou4shu1) 2 Timothy
Tt 提多书 (ti2duo1shu1) Titus

Pl* 腓利门书 (fei2li4men2shu1) Philemon

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Luke 6:38

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

Hebrews 13:16

Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.

Acts 20:35

Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive”


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